Parents view of failure and children’s growth mindsets

Interested in the impact of fixed and growth mind-sets on children? Looking for research on how the mind-sets of parents might impact on children’s mind-sets?

Take a look at this interesting piece by the BPS Research Digest which discusses the available research in this field and highlights that children’s beliefs about ability are associated with how parent’s view failure. If parents believe that failure is harmful, children are less likely to have a growth mind-set (believe that they can develop and improve their capabilities).

What are your thoughts? Comment below.

Look out for Mindfield Psychology’s full blog on growth/fixed mindsets coming up soon!

Find the full research article here: Haimovitz K, & Dweck CS (2016). What Predicts Children’s Fixed and Growth Intelligence Mind-Sets? Not Their Parents’ Views of Intelligence but Their Parents’ Views of Failure. Psychological Science